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  1. anneofalamo

    question re scrapped layouts in the shop

    If you go to the gallery, there are different galleries for each designer... Here is Anna's browsing thru that area will cause you to swoon with delight and probably build an even bigger wish list, but all the ladies post their pages there. Some even explain how they created such masterpieces...
  2. anneofalamo

    Hi! Nikki here

    oooooooooooooh collages! that sounds superb!! Welcome to the O!! I too love the store! too much perhaps...naw I am the nosey Cheery-O welcomer! New to scrapping? digitally, or did you do it paper before? Do you use a certain program to make pages? oh tell more NikkiSmith! and Welcome...
  3. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'My bloom'

    no no no...I have been gone for just a short time...I know how? did she grow up so fast...bricks on her head and lock her in a room...oh my Cynthia...pure gorgeousness..and your page ain't bad either...lol
  4. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'Oahu Sugar Cane Locomotive'

    I have never ever heard or seen a train in Hawaii! I have seen millions of waterfalls, beaches and volcanos, and this photo made me Google: Oahu Sugar Cane Locomotive. Just love it!
  5. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'Seeing Me'

    THANK you for sharing the journaling! I cried at bagpipes...and just kept bawling. I so so feel like a stalker of you, but I have watched you and your family for a few years now, and just want to say, you are pure joy to me.
  6. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'Baby in the Mirror'

    these are photos worthy of huge smiles for years to come,and you have captured them so marvelously!
  7. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'Designer spotlight challenge Every leaf is a flower'

    I have never seen that quote and so love that attitude about fall! I shall cling to this also!
  8. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media '2012 Snow Fun'

    Alaska!! how fun!!! I used to live on the aleution islands Adak...long ago...and I see you are from no. cal..I grew up in napa? I am so nosy...but I love those rosy cheeks on your grandkids and your page is so wonderful..I babble!
  9. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'Thanktitude'

    I must stay away from anna's gallery...these pages are like chocolate and cause me to want everything in her store!
  10. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'Dido Designs Notion to Scrap Challenge - Bears'

    YIKES! They are like coming right at you? Fantastic photo for this too and I love it!
  11. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'Diamond-roses'

    BAM! YOU so rocked this page!! It needs to be matted, and put in a simple frame so everyone can see it!
  12. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'It's the Falling in Love...'

    What a photo!?! so crisp and beautiful, I love the little squirrel!
  13. anneofalamo

    What Does The Fox Say (Nov 8th - Fri) by Re

    I so love love love your happy attitude and this kit is just beyond fun!
  14. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'Memory'

    Your soft fade or blend or however you did the fade is so wonderful...and your dad...wow he is handsome!! LIke Jimmy Stewart!
  15. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'Anna Challenge/Who Is Your Hero?'

    this is such an eyecatcher, and then more fun to read the journaling...isn't wonderful to have such love!! brilliant!
  16. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media '2013 Project 52 Wk43 (Right)'

    you are an artist, your simple makes me stop and stare in amazement!
  17. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'Long time ago...{AnnaLift}'

    those eyes! Then adding the swirly thingee, with the tacks just brings the page into a higher dimension of awesome!
  18. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'sheep'

    I love this, especially with the texture paper in the background, really adds to the page!
  19. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media '"Good day, little Red-Cap," said he.'

    I adore Little REd Riding hood, prints, books, songs...and this is just a grand rendition too!
  20. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'Paris'

    fantastic perspective and love the big photo, just perfect for the Eiffel Tower!