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  1. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'Corn'

    I love the word art, you created, it is really sweet and fun with the picture in corn field
  2. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'Rose'

    this is so cool, I love how the stitching goes around the flower over by the journal tags, and the pink is just grand with this purple
  3. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'Bailey'

    oh my, that is just sad, had to go scoop up my kitty and hear her purr...precious
  4. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'Water Lily 2'

    wow! that is one beautiful water lily! sits nicely in the muted purples
  5. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'Amethyst 1'

    I really like the b&w pic on this kit! gives a soft feel!
  6. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media '::I Heart U::'

    i soo love this, great idea with the picture layout...and your clustering is perfect-o
  7. G's A Kids World

    G's A Kids World

    this is Blythe Evans mini kit Amethyst I *heart* thee with a small recolor on the leaf bundle available here at Oscraps My son can lose himself with a leaf and puddle of water, but give him the ocean and a bucket and he is gone! thank you Blythe for a lovely mini-kit ;)
  8. G's A Kids World

    G's A Kids World

    this is Blythe Evans mini kit Amethyst I *heart* thee with a small recolor on the leaf bundle available here at Oscraps My son can lose himself with a leaf and puddle of water, but give him the ocean and a bucket and he is gone! thank you Blythe for a lovely mini-kit ;)