Ange designs :
Kit Clic
Scraplift from a Icepereyra LO
Journaling :
"Saturday, February 24, 2018
The weather is nice, we go with Annie and Domi to spend the day in the mountains. Arriving at the Astau Valley, the road is cut off. We park next to other cars, without really knowing...
Anna Aspnes :
artplay palette Heath
fotowordart N4
Journaling :
"February 2018
Walk around the Bidot lakes. It is cold, but the weather is nice and it feels good to go out in the sun. You find a stick on the ground and you mark on the path the word "trap". You are...
J'arrive un peu tard pour le thé (moi non plus, je n'aime pas le café), mais je prendrais bien un verre de blanc avec vous. Voyons, que trouve t on dans ces smileys... :cosmo: :champagne:partywine:tea: et après tout ça on verra des :flypig:
Et ca juste parce que je les aime bien et que ca...
Anna Aspnes :
solid paper : artplay palette Beautiful days
stitches and christmas tree : Multimedia Holiday N4
Dido Design :
flakes and stitches : november rain
paper in the christmas tree : Angie Young
Joanne Brisebois :
paper : chemistry
overlays : still life collection 12x12 overlays
mask : still life collection paint swatch element pack
Paint : Anna Aspnes artplay palette epic
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