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  1. alsoartysa

    Comment by 'alsoartysa' in media 'Color-Play-Challenge.jpg'

    This is absolutely beautiful. Love the overlay not to mention the photo!
  2. alsoartysa

    Comment by 'alsoartysa' in media 'Challenge-1-Where-I-live.-WEB.jpg'

    I love Cape Town, and I love how you scrapped it. Beautiful Belle.
  3. alsoartysa

    July Challenge #1 - Through the Lens

    Here is St George Utah
  4. July Through the Lens.jpg

    July Through the Lens.jpg

    All Photos taken by me. I used: CKI _Wine Country I used Vicki Stegall's Sunset Color Play CRK_CU_FabricFlowers CRK CU Flowers CRK CU Flowers
  5. alsoartysa

    July Challenge #2 - Color Play

    A surprise little place we found and celebrated 4th July, in 2009. High up in the Southern California mountains. 50 miles from San Diego. They also make their own wines. Fun challenge, thank you.
  6. July Color Play.jpg

    July Color Play.jpg

    I used Vicki Stegall's Sunset Color Play
  7. Summer Fun

    Summer Fun

    Summer Love by FeiFei
  8. alsoartysa

    June Challenge #7 - Recipe

    Thanks for the recipe. Here is my layout.
  9. June #7 Recipe.jpg

    June #7 Recipe.jpg

    CRK Tropical Getaway Kit
  10. alsoartysa

    June Challenge #6 - Journaling

    Thanks Rae for the challenge. Here is Avid Reader
  11. June #6 Journaling.jpg

    June #6 Journaling.jpg

    CRK Vintage finds 2 CRK Vintage Finds 3 CRK Timeless Treasures
  12. FeiFeiStuff_Review-Andrea.jpeg


    FeiFei Stuff In Review
  13. alsoartysa

    June Challenge #5 - Color Palette

    Here is mine. Thanks for the challenge Laura.
  14. June #5 Color Palett.jpg

    June #5 Color Palett.jpg

    CKI Tmd Collab Steampunk Grunge CKI_ Painted Wood CRK_Paper flowers 3 CRK_Paper Flowers 6 CRK_Paper flowers 4 CRK CU Blenders
  15. alsoartysa

    JUNE 2024 - Standing O's

    Thank you !
  16. alsoartysa

    June Challenge #4 - Page Sketch

    Thanks Amy for the sketch and challenge here is mine. Call of the Wild
  17. #4 JuneSketch.jpg

    #4 JuneSketch.jpg

  18. alsoartysa

    June Challenge #3 - Web Inspiration

    HERE IS my inspiration layout. I was just inspired by everything, mostly the simplicity. Thanks for the challenge.
  19. June 3 Web Inspired.jpg

    June 3 Web Inspired.jpg

    FEIFEIstuff_ForKeeps Leaf