
Search results

  1. motion blur

    motion blur

    Joanne Brisebois : vintage album collection
  2. sunset


    Oscrap collab evolution
  3. P'tiscrap

    Comment by 'P'tiscrap' in media 'Silence...'

    Yes, calm, clean, elegant, beautiful. Il love it.
  4. Autumn walk

    Autumn walk

    Maya de Groot : Stitches : bric brac papers : Keen of krafts the fauna formula Erica Zwart : torned edges n1
  5. cousin


    Jopke : texture art and fact emotional need frame Boris
  6. Parachutes drop

    Parachutes drop

    Anna Aspnes : art play palette Beautiful days and Adventure artsy Kardz Among friends Erica Zwart torned edges N1
  7. Not net !

    Not net !

    NiniGoesDigi : playful, Bright side of life, september November 2nd 2016. This month, the theme of pictures's challenges is motion blur. The moving subject, I have. But successful technical picture is another story ... Last day of vacation, we go play to a battle pillows in the room. Mael is...
  8. Don't worry Be happy

    Don't worry Be happy

    Paula Kesselring : Autumn goodies papers Beginning brushes
  9. P'tiscrap

    Comment by 'P'tiscrap' in media '***AnnaLIFT 10/29/16 - 11/4/16***'

    I love it, so clean, so elegant. Beautiful.
  10. P'tiscrap

    November 2016 Standing O´s

    Waouh ! Thank you Nickel, you made my day :D
  11. Dare smile

    Dare smile

    Joanne Brisebois : photography frames Vol9, element pak
  12. you, moving

    you, moving

    NBK : A mommy dedicated collection mixed media papers beyond the sea collection art graphics Candycrush messy nombers.
  13. This pink bonnet

    This pink bonnet

    Designed by Soco : life in harmony february
  14. P'tiscrap

    Comment by 'P'tiscrap' in media 'phare de Granville'

    Un GSO parfaitement mrit ! Je le redis ici : je suis fan !
  15. P'tiscrap

    October 2016 Standing O´s

    Thank you ! Double GSO, it's TOO good !!!
  16. Love you

    Love you

    NBK design : Mini kit freebie : bitten by the love bug Need a photo of a blanket for a challenge. At the end of your nap, I approach with my camera. You wake up gently. I shoot. Your blanket and you. Then you begin to move, to smile and to pose. In a photo shoot, you gave my : you consoling...
  17. thoughtful


    Joyful Heart designs : color of happy
  18. What's wrong with my bike ?

    What's wrong with my bike ?

    In frensh bike = VELO Anna Aspnes : paper artply palette Break Away
  19. Love this autumn light on your hair

    Love this autumn light on your hair

    Lift from a Timounette LO Anna Aspnes : artplay palette break away artplay palette magic rabbit artplay palette Joanne Brisebois : frame style life collection
  20. walking towards the horizon

    walking towards the horizon

    Lift from a Barbara Houston LO Anna Aspnes : artplay palette Break Aways artplay palette Believe stitched black N1