
Search results

  1. your new whale

    your new whale

    Pikeboo : Template challenge 1 paper and element : be joyful kit texture Anna Aspnes artplaypalette beautiful day
  2. Our walk

    Our walk

    NBK : free template challenge paper : colors of india paint : bitten by the love bug
  3. Explorer


    Anna Aspnes : Artsy Transfers Roots A Frame artplay palette beautiful day Journaling : "Wednesday, February 22, 2017. The weather is fine this afternoon. Then we go for a walk in the wood. And then, we decide to take the tangent and to explore off the beaten track. There are...
  4. Explore


    Anna Aspnes : artplay palette magic rabbit
  5. Find the good in the everyday

    Find the good in the everyday

    Anna Aspnes : Artplay palette Metro graffiti Beauty word art N3
  6. The years go by

    The years go by

    NBK : paper-pack, mixed media : She Candy crush : messy numbers bitten by the love bug beyond the sea art graphic the years go by... up to now, everythng is all rigth 40 years old soon
  7. Grimaces and concentration

    Grimaces and concentration

    paper and heart : Ange : life in harmonie fvrier, paper : Angie Young : blog art blessing, Stitches : Anna Aspnes : stitched by anna N1
  8. photography : a passion

    photography : a passion

    NBK : collab posh (paper) United by art (brush et WA) Beyond the sea, art graphics (lines)
  9. snowball fight

    snowball fight

    Anna Aspnes : Artplay palette Beautiful day Artsy transfer Roots A
  10. P'tiscrap

    Comment by 'P'tiscrap' in media 'AnnaColor Challenge 02.10.2017-02.23.2017'

    Magnifique ! J'adore ce mlange de peintures avec cette photo.
  11. On the road (anna Colors)

    On the road (anna Colors)

    Anna Aspnes : Tape : artplaypalette Believe Frame ans transfers : artplay palette Magic Rabbit Paper : artplay palettes Barren Sunrise and Epic
  12. lights


    Maya de Groot : keen of kraft Ange designs : life of harmony february
  13. P'tiscrap

    February 2017 Standing O´s

    Thank you Vera ! I am very happy you love it !
  14. Together


    Designed by Soco and Ange : Life in Harmony february Angie Young : blog blessing (mask as white paint) Anna Aspnes : artplay palette believe and Beautifil day (doodle)
  15. your guitar

    your guitar

    Anna Aspnes : artplay palette magic rabbit lift from a Proffoly layout : https://ozone.oscraps.com/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=364395&title=let-27s-dance&cat=1351
  16. red paint

    red paint

    NBK : papers colors of india paper united by art combined with collab posh masks : She dividers and mask on the bright side I lifted a paint of Daniella Woolf,
  17. P'tiscrap

    Comment by 'P'tiscrap' in media 'FotoInspired and AnnaLift'

    I realy love the way you mix yours photos, colors, paint and elements. This accumulation, like a collection but so harmonius and delightful !
  18. Lac Lamartine (anna lift)

    Lac Lamartine (anna lift)

    Anna Aspnes Template (revised) : photoinspired double template N59 Artsy kards : Breathe Texture and brad : artplay palette metro graffiti
  19. P'tiscrap

    February 2017 Standing O´s

    Thank you so much SharLamb ! Your words means a lot for me. Thank you.
  20. Breath


    Angie Young : blog art blessing color play 3 Maya de Groot : junkie journal freebie Johanne Brisebois : style life collection overlays