Kit "chasing the sun" by Paisley Press except the paper on the right top corner which comme from "embrace" by Paisley Press and Fei-Fei's stuff .
Template n12 by Margote
Kit "Ecologie" by Paisley Press
Frame from "northshore" by Paisley Press
Brush "different strokes" by Fei-Fei stuffs
Scraplift of "Puddy cat" by Sue Falstaff
J'adore cette photo !! Tu as bien choisi le lift, pas besoin de choses compliques pour l'habiller, juste des touches discrtes qui la rendent trs lgante et encore plus douce .
Tree from the kit "origami" by Akiloune
paper from a Sidonie's paperpack
**card made to decorate the stall's banner of my producer of biological goat's cheese preferred, my friend and her "bergerie de Batherans" .**
paper from Sue cummings
stamp falling leaves from "falling for retro" by paisley press
**card made to decorate the stall's banner of my producer of biological goat's cheese preferred, my friend and her "bergerie de Batherans" .**
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