I thought this was super familiar. Have you seen Bones? They loosely made a 12 season tv show about Brennan. Its a great series but it ccan be gross but not so bad you cant watch. Sometimes book descriptions are way more gruesome.
There is nothing worse than a bad book! Sorry you struck out on all four books. The Bare Bones sounds interesting to me though. But teen books, yeah those are usually not worth the time. Glad the movie was good.
Oh my thats funny!!! The scotch tape didn't win, the duct tape did!!! :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: yes, I have that child who is very careful to unwrap and SAVE THE PAPER so we make sure he cant. I found Christmas themed duct tape and yep thats what I used for all the...
Good Morning!!! Its Christmas Eve Eve!! EEEkkkk!!!
Today is gonna be one of those days.
Yep, get up here cause its nasty warm. Its coldest part of day and already 38. We should be in the teens at best and nope its freaking warm! Not amused.
This was an amazing part of my day too!!!!!! I've...
Lets blubber together! :heartpumppink: I am so thankful we have become friends too! Your beautiful heart shines through and I know you will survive this season, but what I love is how you show us all how to survive with grace and love. Your layouts have been so spectacular and tug the heart...
Oh Cheryl :heartpumppink: The beauty. The heart. The tears. I love all the lights swooping across the top like the lights hanging outside your house. I love the wings at the bottom trailing the light behind them. I love Chucks smiling face. I love the b&w palette you used. My favorite is your...
I love this!!!!! I love the Einstein. He's adorable. The feel of this layout it so happy and excited. I am smiling when I see it. I love how you did the candle and light and it lights up the mind of knowledge. Wonderful layout!!!!
Oh Chris this is wonderful!!! You are the light! You light up the O! I hope you print thing and hang it where you can see it daily if not every moment! You are the light and I am so thankful to be here and know you. :heartpumppink:
Yes 10000% accurate. I was worried about putting things out there but oh I am glad I did. Some were relatable some were personal but all were beyond needed. :heartpumppink:
Awwww :heartpumppink: This journey has been so rewarding and I have learned so much. Not just in scrapping style but a great way to release emotions and focus on what is good. I am so glad you did the AJ for December. I really would have missed it. I would have understood but I would have...
We are having a theme with dinner and its Chinese food. Christmas Eve, not day. Everyone is bringing something different but it. has to be Chinese food.
This might be my favorite AJ piece yet. This has been a wonderful 8 months of AJ pieces and learning and growing. I couldn't have done it without the four amazing women who inspire each month, @svanderhaegen @faerywings @Cherylndesigns @pachimac Thank you for this amazing year of inspiration...
This one was fun. A look back. So much growth and learning as I went on this Art Journal Journey. Thank you to @Cherylndesigns @faerywings @pachimac @svanderhaegen and all their encouragement and guidance in this process. I wouldn't be here without all of you! Looking forward to 2025 and the...
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