standing O for sure! the brightness of the sun and water and that beautiful splash of the wave is pure magic. the dark blue wave he just rode is so perfect and having everything "out-of-bounds" makes you appreciate the power of that water. Wish I could have beat Traumelfe to the...
okay, 1-love your "blockiness" with your paint brushes; 2-am always amazed at rock formations. seems impossible, yet there it is; and 3- the raggedness of that ribbon is like so perfect. great lo
You always get the most stunning photographs and your los are an excellent way to keep them treasured. Are you creating albums with your los or are you storing them digitally?
That's 'cuz he loves his mama ... mine sleeps on my lap while I'm on the computer ---. Such a great photo and truth be told, we probably would not want to have it any other way. What a treasure
A real layer "queen". I find this so amazing. I love how you placed your items to keep your eye moving around the page. I can only guess how many layers you have here and your shadowing .... yes, I like this a lot!
This color suits you so well .... and the camera hung "just so" -- perfect. Your background has a "tidal" movement to it, and you feel right at the beach. Great job!
I love how you used magenta (?) with your photo. The color itself seems to go so well with that time ... maybe is was a popular color then? Nice to show Grandmother with girl friends of her own. I don't recall a photo of my Grandmother prior to her wedding --- need to check into this.
I think masculine los are so hard to do. This one, however, is such a good example. I love how to treated your photo as if he has drifted into his mind. I was hoping you knew this young fellow
I would not have accepted anything else from you ... That independent streak you had still carries you through --- Yup, for some reason a prom dress would not have been in my vision. Bravo isDK, bravo! I think you deserve a Standing O for just being who you are
your beautiful bold colors only enhance the richness of an early morning sunrise and the grittiness of the sand reinforces that beauty ... truly, what a gift we are given every day.
Adryane, you are such a talented artist ... your lo is beautiful. I am thinking that it would be too sad for me to believe this wonderful little boy is gone --- I am choosing to believe that he has grown into a handsome young man and you are missing his childhood. There now, I feel better.
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