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  1. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Monday, March 31

    hi, guys. more eye troubles, so i'm not online much at all. probably going to the opthalmologist today. sigh.... be good. have some fun for me! :becky: on second thought, DON'T be good!!
  2. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Thursday, March 27

    Eva. just the fact that we're here with you say a lot about us. :rofl: :pound: Chris, i have no idea how you keep at all sane. the insurance runaround would have me totally screaming at everyone. do you think you're so tired in part because of the low blood count thing? i don't think the...
  3. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, March 26

    Chris, here's the Spanakopeta recipe as it's written. i like to make individual triangle-shaped ones. all you do for that is butter the edges and a line down the center of two sheets of filo, cut the sheets in half lengthwise, put about 2T of filling at one corner, then fold up like a flag and...
  4. whatnext

    Update on my twin

    prayers going out for your sister and all your family, Ang!
  5. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, March 25

    Chris, i have a great spinach pie (spanikopeta) recipe that we sometimes eat as a main dish. if you know how to fold up a flag, you can do these easily. let me know if you want the recipe. or you can just make it by rolling it up in a log, which is easier. a big salad with lemon dressing and...
  6. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Monday, March 24

    hey-ho. snow tomorrow. I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! today a haircut and a nap, i think. maybe. you know those nights when you believe you MUST have slept, but it felt like you were only half asleep all night?? yep. one of those.... hope everyone starts off the week in...
  7. whatnext

    Asking for healing prayers and thoughts

    dear Jacqueline, this is such terrible, heart-breaking news. there are no words that can express how shocked and profoundly sad this is. thinking of you, praying for all your family. how devastating.
  8. whatnext

    Just so you know ....

    soooooooo glad you're back, Eva! :becky:
  9. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's Weekend Edition: March 22 & 23

    Chris, don't you DARE decide not to get radiation. to hell with what anyone else thinks. this is YOU, and YOU have to do everything you can to keep this from coming back. everything. everything. and radiation is part of it. my sister was 50 when she had her BC surgery. she did what the onc...
  10. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Friday, March 21

    hi, guys. just a fast fly-by to say HI!! all's well-ish. unfortunately, it SNOWED for the last two hours here. Laurie, we're supposed to get up to 50 today, so i have NOOOO idea where this ridiculous snow blast came from.... happy Friday, yinz guys! :becky:
  11. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, March 18

    howdy. i'm going to be kind of spotty in appearance here for a bit. i am just feeling like i need to get away from this computer. i read the other day that most of us are never further than about 3 feet from our various "devices" throughout the day. yep. that's me. i have to get more of a life...
  12. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Monday, March 17

    hi, guys. i'm just lurking today. not feeling very talkative. hope everyone is enjoying Monday.:becky:
  13. whatnext

    Happy birthday tanteva !

    have a great one, Eva!
  14. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Friday, March 14

    Nancy, a few years ago we got 10+ inches of snow on St. Patrick's Day! we had your terrible weather, too. SOOOO COLD!!!!
  15. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Friday, March 14

    hiya. back from my Aunt's house. wow. i hope i'm as easy-going and nice as she is when (if ) i make it to my 80's and are feeling not really swell. ha. NO chance. i doubt a personality like mine heals itself with increasing age. :pound: of course, i picked the ONE day between two really nice...
  16. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: March 11th edition

    Nancy, that collapse was scary!! i wonder what he's going to do now, as far as his playing is concerned. poor guy. to reach that level of play and to have this thrown at him. Trudy, what an awesome picture!! we actually have some eagles moving in around our city. there's even a "nest cam."...
  17. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: March 11th edition

    GAAAAAH!!!!!! i want this to STOP!!!!!!! 58 degrees today, SNOW tomorrow. I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!! Chris, YAAAY!!! so excellent that you've gotten a clean report. that should help with the sleep thing, right? you should just come to accept getting up in the middle of the night...
  18. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Monday, March 10

    Laurie, i didn't know you could take photos for passports either! there are so many rules about how it has to look! Trudy, let me just say again that i want to live where you live!! the walk sounded wonderful!
  19. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Monday, March 10

    hiya. gotta get into the city in a bit to do some work in my DD's apartment with her. dunno if i'm up for heavy-duty, but here i go. i've already been to WalMart this a.m. for supplies. ours, i discovered, is open 24-7. weird. but it was nice. i love shopping when i'm the only person in the...
  20. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's Weekend Edition: March 8 & 9

    Chris, be patient with yourself. hi, everybody! :becky: