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  1. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, May 27

    Jane, that is just AMAZING!! good luck to him. tell him to keep his cell phone on and charged so you can keep tabs on him. i guess after he gets through BC and Alberta, it's all downhill to Ontario! Chris, sounds like a good time, except for the traffic jam and coming home to the Lyme...
  2. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: May 24-25, Weekend Edition

    nice, Laurie! have fun!
  3. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: May 24-25, Weekend Edition

    Jean, me, too! Chris, enjoy your time away! the weather looks like it's going to be lovely. no way i can ignore the carbs, kiddo. i keep having visions of the little cells on my pancreas committing suicide :scared: if i even contemplate "normal" eating.... Jane, lucky you on the trip...
  4. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Friday, May 23

    hi, Sara. we cross-posted. don't you just LOVE that feeling, when you walk out the door of the school?? i remember that feeling. totally great. enjoy your vaycay!
  5. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Friday, May 23

    "Chris!" she cried. "Yes, i DID get my ice cream." snort. well, it was GREAT to break free of the Grocery Monoply and actually find something i wanted to buy. i bought 3 boxes of Breyers Carb Smart ice cream fudgecicles. YAAAAY! :cheer2: i actually may try to do grocery shopping at that...
  6. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Thursday, May 22

    Nancy, it sounds like a GREAT trip!! isn't Mackinac pretty? i love the view as the water taxi is approaching the island. beautiful. T, this is So true! more often than the hyperventilating, though, i find that, by the end of the sentence, i forget who the pronouns are referring to.... (and...
  7. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, May 21

    Happy Birthday to your baby boy, Chris. sounds like you've got a good one! been out and about running a few errands, now i think i'm going to stay a bit closer to home. expecting severe thunderstorms. sounds like a good day for reading. my niece's husband wrote a self-published book, so i'm...
  8. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, May 20

    Chris, i have joined you in Insurance Hell. i've been talking/on hold for almost an hour JUST trying to get a username/password thing figured out on the Blue Cross website. it all starts out on line by saying, if you have trouble, contact the "Customer Service" number on the back of your...
  9. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Monday, May 19

    Chris!! EEEEEE!! i just want to get in that dress and TWIRL!!! what fun! she looks so incredibly hip!! ( you can tell how old I am by that word, but it just fits!)
  10. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Monday, May 19

    why why WHY don't i ever pay attention to past experience?? since it was 90 degrees here a bit ago, i decided to plant my tomato plants and basil and peppers. i covered them the other night because it was going down to 39. i checked yesterday, and it was supposed to be in the 40s last night...
  11. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: May 17-18, Weekend Edition

    geez, what a schizoid weather day!!! cold-ish, but rain, then sun, then lots of sun, then totally cloudy. too muddy to work outside. Hubby is tearing up more of the wood floor in the kitchen, and, as with most reno, is running into "unforeseen problems...." lots of swearing going on in there...
  12. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Friday, May 16

    YAAAY!! it's over and all went well. dang, that prep is a bitch. all seems fine, so yay. next one in 10 years, i should live so long. Chris, the eye thing went OK. my blobs are not going away. i think i'm just getting used to them. i think that's the secret of dealing with almost anything...
  13. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Thursday, May 15

    yay. it's purge day. snort.... Sara, in SD at Mt. Rushmore, there's a road that goes to the side of the monument where all of a sudden there's a cleft in the rock and you are RIGHT at the head of George Washington. it is so cool. we came upon this as we were driving away from the park. i'll see...
  14. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, May 14

    hey, girls. sounds like this is a rainy Monday inside our heads today. yup. sometimes it is just too, too....much. Chris, you have just lived through surgery and radiation. try to slow down. please. i can't imagine trying to work through your insurance mess. isn't there a Lyme organization that...
  15. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: May 10-11, Weekend Edition

    Chris, how lucky you are to have such friends! i'll bet it gave you a huge "lift." it was 89 degrees here yesterday. totally crazy.... Nancy and Laurie, birds drive me nuts. my property only seems to attract the annoying ones. Nancy, i hate crows so much i once made a page about how much i...
  16. whatnext

    non scrap related flooring question

    we're just preparing to put in ceramic. i had wood, but it's too hard to keep up when you spend a lot of time in the kitchen. the finish kept wearing off!
  17. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Friday, May 9

    i'm so sad today about Andrea. i was looking in her gallery at some of her family pages. i can't imagine the time they're having. geez. i'm not being good about personals. sorry. i think i'm in a "slump." well, at least it's not snowing. it's a balmy 89 degrees outside. this weather is...
  18. whatnext

    In Loving Memory of Andrea C.

    what a sad loss to everyone who knew her. i'll miss her bright light in the world. rest well, Andrea.
  19. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, May 7

    hiya. gotta drive into the city to wait for DD's new couch to arrive and for 1-800-GotJunk to come and take the old one away. it's one of those "time window" things, so i could be sitting there for 3 hours with nothing much happening. well, at least it's going to be in the 70s, after a thunder...
  20. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Monday, May 5

    haha! Chris,welcome to my world. think of it as preparation for knowing how it is to be in your 60s! i'm SOOO glad that this is your last week. i'm sure you're exhaustion is coming from the treatments, so you should feel better and better after it's all over, i'll bet. i worry that, when your...