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  1. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, August 6

    oh, wait. did i just say that the zucchini outside is winding down???? i just brought these in....[/URL][/IMG]
  2. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, August 6

    hi, Nancy!! wow!! your cholesterol is great! i have to take Lipitor to get those numbers! great story about the back roads wrong turn! that hapoened to us out West somewhere. i think it was Eastern Oregon. we were totally TOTALLY lost, and no GPS! how excellent that you have a nice relationship...
  3. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, August 6

    this actually made me laugh. semi-fun. sorry to laugh about your not-pleasant "vacation," Chris. honestly, is there anything worse than a vacation that ISN"T??? reminds me of my Outer Banks disaster in June. :faint2: i think there's a piece of advice that is good across the board, for everyone...
  4. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, August 5th

    Hey, Sara! thanks for starting the thread. when does your school year start?? it seems so early. well, a pool day sounds like a good idea, with school right around the corner. i don't even want to think that summer is almost over. it seems like it just got here!! sitting around, basically...
  5. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's, August 2-3: Weekend Edition

    Sabine, WOW! THIS sounds wonderful: none of that likely here. it's as dark as night here, raining, thundering, flood watch. altogether YUCK!!! so, guess what i'm doing. yep. baking zucchini bread. i also made and canned some salsa from my tomatoes this morning. now on to some vacuuming...
  6. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Friday, August 1

    Chris, i am so bad. the first thing i thought when you said what Gary said is that i would have said: " you know what? you can keep THAT **** to yourself, because it affects ME in a way you don't want to feel the repercussions of. " like i said. nasty old me.i'm pretty sure that with all you do...
  7. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Thursday, July 31

    Sara, no. i didn't make the zucchini sticks. is there a recipe somewhere or what? today i'm going to try this: http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Zucchini-Patties/Detail.aspx?evt19=1 mostly i've just been making zucchini bread to freeze or give away and my almond flour zucchini muffins. i always...
  8. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Thursday, July 31

    Chris, so glad you got some good advice that you can hang your hat on. hey, joint pain?? we laugh in the face of joint pain!! we fart in its general direction!! http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FWBUl7oT9sA i know you can handle what you need to handle. just remember to be REEELEEE good to yourself...
  9. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, July 30

    i laughed out loud at that one, Chris! thanks for my morning giggle. glad you're going to the doc's by yourself. remember who owns your body. just a fast fly-by this a.m. i've spend far too long already on Facebook this morning, fighting with a Very Stupid Person named Gino who is trying to...
  10. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, July 29

    hiya. doing a lot of saucy writing today. several people who communicated with me in my personal space, uninvited and on various subjects, have incurred the wrath of The Hand of Karma.:mmph::argue: :eyebrows: it occurs to me, based on that definition, one could say that The Hand of Karma is...
  11. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Monday, July 28

    more zucchini bread! i found two biggies hiding under the foliage this morn, so two more loaves are in the over, with lots of shredded zucchini in the fridge waiting for me to buy more sugar and eggs. this is getting kinda funny. but i'm loving it, after years of NOTHING on my Burpee seed...
  12. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Friday , July 25

    hey, Sara! you're back! i'll stop by later to read your vacation stuff!
  13. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Friday , July 25

    "my thoughts exactly about having people over to force me to clean. Except I don't like people. " haHAAAAA!!!! :rofl: Chris, that's my problem lately, too. although YOU are constantly interacting with family and people, kids' friends, etc. you must like people better than i do. i actually...
  14. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Thursday, July 24

    baking zucchini bread again. i think i'm on the tail end of this. looks like only a few more zucchinis out there. i should have about 20 loaves in the freezer for Hubby to eat during the Long Cold Dark Winter. i should probably try to freeze some of my almond flour zucchini muffins, too, to see...
  15. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, July 23

    Trudy, you must have the strongest genes in the world!! i can't believe how much all your grandkids look just like you!! my kids don't look like me, my grandkids don't look like me. even my sisters don't much look like me. so sad that Mason and his mom will be leaving you soon. i imagine they're...
  16. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, July 22

    phew! it's HOT out there already. we're experiencing some very typical summer weather here. the 3 Hs: hazy, hot and humid. i was just out in the flower beds trying to make some headway against the weeds, and i am soaking wet! yuk! looks like indoor work for me for the rest of the day. i actually...
  17. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Monday, July 21

    Hi, Laurie! congrats on the walk/run thing! you're a LOT more ambitious than i am. not sure i understand the color on you thing, but whatever. sounded like FUN! Chris, excuse me if i can't get psyched about a black bean veggie burger. :puke: (sorry. maybe i'd like it if someone but ME made...
  18. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: July 19-20: Weekend Edition

    hmmm. i guess everybody's on vacation or having fun at something. just you and me, Chris. (BTW, it's nice to know that someone else would occasionally like to smack their spouse upside the head.) i had a festive morning of visiting my nephew and his family at my sister's house, then went to the...
  19. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: July 19-20: Weekend Edition

    bon voyage, Sara! have a great trip! Chris, i'll try to get the recipe in here in the next few days. remind me if i forget, OK? do you freeze the pesto you make? i've been freezing it in ice cube trays for the last few years. with zucchini, i bought one of those thingies that make "Zoodles" out...
  20. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Friday , July 18

    Sara, have a BLAST in South Dakota! remember to look for the road where you are right next to Washington's head at Rushmore!