I completely forgot as well... almost started it myself. Thank you, Trudy for getting the ball rolling. I hope you enjoy your visitors this afternoon. ...and I hope Chris has a fabulous weekend away.
Vicky... enjoy your company as well.
I feel like I am antisocial reading this. Thinking I...
Created with Cheryl Budden and Lynne Anzelc Designs "Garden Fairy Collection"
Created with Cheryl Budden and Lynne Anzelc Designs "Garden Fairy Collection"
@faerywings rescue and domesticate them all!!! EEEK! That's a ton of rats!!!! lol
I hope everyone has a wonderful day. May your struggles be few and your blessings be many.
Created with Cheryl Budden and Lynne Anzelc Designs "Garden Fairy Collection"
@faerywings pet rats don't give me the willies at all. Most rats don't. I like rats. I just feel "dirty" if one is hanging out in my yard. Does that make sense? Nothing against the critters... I just think NYC infestation.....
@faerywings my bad on the photo. Please forgive me. Trust me when I say...there was some seriously horror flick ones... I did NOT share. ...and as much as the word alone "rat" gives me willies... he was actually rather cute and I did cry. I am human, slightly... don't tell anyone though...
@taxed4ever I never use poisons or pesticides. Probably why those creatures actually like my yard. lol I lucked out as they were right in my front garden and were too enthusiastic about their breakfast to notice me.
Also, I am stealth like a ninja.... NOT
So, this just happened. I'll spare you the gory photos (though they're pretty cool). I don't know who scored the kill but everyone had breakfast and the hawk flew off with the remains. My rat will not be coming down for breakfast.
No poison, no trap just nature doing it's thing.
@vickyday ...annual family gathering. That sounds wonderful! Enjoy.
It's still raining here. Seven hours straight so far... I'm so very happy. I couldn't believe how dry it was for Spring, when I was digging in the garden Thursday. Yay, to rain. Mother Nature took her meds!!!!
Hooray, it's Saturday!!! ...and better yet.. it's supposed to rain!!!!
Just got in from photographing our new Fire House dedication. Thankfully the rain held off for that. But, we sure do need it.
I'm actually thankful for a rainy weekend... I've been spending so much time outside the...
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