
Search results

  1. D

    Comment by 'dpneff' in media 'All About Me'

    What a beautiful page. Especially love the little rottie pup! Too cute!
  2. The Beginnings of Happiness

    The Beginnings of Happiness

    One and Only by Mystique Designs Black Jack font for Journaling
  3. D

    Comment by 'dpneff' in media 'Explore Play Discover.....'

    What a fabulous layout!!!
  4. D

    Comment by 'dpneff' in media 'sweetest day'

    What an elegant layout. So very sweet!
  5. D

    Comment by 'dpneff' in media 'Count on me'

    Beautiful layout. I really like all the layers of elements you have and photos outside the frames.
  6. D

    Comment by 'dpneff' in media 'RAK for Joshi'

    Beautiful page, the photos are so precious!
  7. D

    Comment by 'dpneff' in media 'Winter'

    Love your clustering with the photos tucked in between. Very nice.
  8. D

    Comment by 'dpneff' in media 'Not an Ordinary kind'

    Great layout. I really like the black background, it shows off the rest of the design even more. I thought the movie was great also.
  9. D

    Comment by 'dpneff' in media 'Thankfull'

    Great job with the clustering around the word art. I love the closeup photos in the frames mixed throughout. Very nice.
  10. D

    Comment by 'dpneff' in media 'Magic'

    Love the awesome clustering. It has such realism and depth!
  11. D

    Comment by 'dpneff' in media '...princess...'

    I really like the way you mixed in the text and the clustering. It really draws your eye through the layout.
  12. D

    Comment by 'dpneff' in media 'laterne'

    What a gorgeous layout. I just love the clustering around the frame.
  13. My World's Window

    My World's Window

    Catch Your Angel by Mystique The Fable Reader by Mystique - Clock dial