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  1. BFF


    This picture is of me and two of my bestest friends in the world. Unfortunately, we don't get to spend time together like we did before kids but they are still there for me when I need them. We were all dolled up for a wedding last weekend so took the opportunity for a group pic. I've spent...
  2. Q

    Comment by 'qcaller' in media 'Reindeer Bath'

    That is just the cutest thing ever. I'm in awe of your extraction and blending skills. Very fun layout. --Pam in Missouri
  3. Q

    Comment by 'qcaller' in media 'Whirling Dervishes'

    Simply brilliant! I, too, think the WD are utterly fascinating. Thanks for sharing your page. --Pam in Missouri
  4. Q

    Comment by 'qcaller' in media 'Shared Laughter'

    Oh Linda - this is so touching. What a great title and wonderful photo. Love seeing some of your first photos of that fabulous smile of S.
  5. Q

    Comment by 'qcaller' in media 'My Daddy'

    Gorgeous page, Linda. Those brackets are gorgeous. Syd's hair is too cute. Hope all the recent tornadoes missed you. We miss you around CDS. --Pam in Missouri
  6. Q

    Comment by 'qcaller' in media 'How to Say I Love You'

    Gorgeous!! Kimberly - you always do such incredible layouts. This is going to be one beautiful kit. Can't wait to play with it myself. --Pam