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  • Thought of you today as I watched Wout put on one spectacular race... think I heard you cheering all the way across the ocean... what a show of power. Carol
    :humble: Thank you so much for the Standing "O". You made my day! Have a great weedkend! Big hugs!
    Oops .... I left my message to you with Berry ..... I wanted to thank you for your ongoing encouragement. I can feel your steadfastness guiding me along and it feels wonderful. May life shine on you today. Debby
    WOW, I'm so excited to get a standing "O" Thank you so much Vera. Only just posted it too.
    Thank you very much for the Standing "O"! You made me happy :)
    Have a wonderful weekend and big hugs, Maja
    Sweetie, thank you so much for Standing O's for my page! I'm so happy :)
    Have a wonderful time!
    Hugs, Maja
    Thanks for posting on my page. I saw you are from Belgium. I go to Beerse a few times a year and am on the phone almost daily with my Belgian colleagues. I love visiting your country
    Veer, weet ge nu wat "ellies" betekent?
    Ik wil ook een lo maken , maar ik weet ook niet wat het betekent.

    I 'm not a new coupon code for the CT because I have a new computer... but not my old mail with the coupon...
    Please, could you bring me.
    Thank you very much
    Nath aka pimprenel
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