
Susan - s3js
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  • I sent my reply via "Conversations". Did I send it correctly?
    Susan - s3js
    Susan - s3js
    Yes, Ma'am. I'm sorry. I think PM has been the abbreviation for that for almost 20 years, but a lot of ladies new to the forums don't know that.
    Dear Susan,
    I am desperate not to find the little girl in the collaboration kits. I have the other 9 designers and kits but this little girl is a nightmare ! Should I continue or should I stop? If I stop gouging out my eyes for this little girl, will the whole 12 Days of Christmas event fall apart for me?
    Thank you for send me a message! xoxo
    Cath, the desesperate !
    Susan - s3js
    Susan - s3js
    Okay, let's see if this helps. Among my favorite Christmas songs are "Mary Did You Know?", "I Wonder As I Wander", "I'm dreaming of a White Christmas", and "Carol of the Bells." Do you see any part of one of those songs in the Oscraps Collabs? Then stand back and look at the large faces. You may not see all of her and maybe just a touch of the tree.
    Cath VP
    Cath VP
    OMG ! Thank you Susan! The little girl is so very small in the Christmas tree!!! I've seen this collaboration a hundred times! but I wouldn't have recognized it because it was so hidden on the PV! In France, we don't have the same Christmas carols, I wouldn't have found it; these are the other indications that led me to her! You are a sweetheart Suzan ! I realized a postcard for you, it's in the gallery !
    Susan - s3js
    Susan - s3js
    You are quite welcome! I shall go look right away - you have just made my day!
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