
Recent content by scrap-genie

  1. scrap-genie


    Your work is beautiful and I can see why it's prize winning! My mother crocheted wonderfully but I couldn't learn from her. As a young adult textile artist I took a class at a local library and just took off with it. I made clothes and other things, but my real love was sculptural forms. I...
  2. scrap-genie

    My faery house book is finished!

    It's adorable! Congrats on all the patience it required of you. :dancingbfly:
  3. scrap-genie

    Daily Ooos: Monday, March 24

    I'm like Tracy, have only seen previews, but they're enough to know I don't need to see it. But then there's the fact that I don't like musicals. Might have something to do with it.
  4. scrap-genie

    March AJ Challenge Week 4 {PERSPECTIVE}

    I have only done week 1, so flipped it almost literally including my drawing. Changed the concept somewhat from the end result of art to the beginning of it. This was week 1 and week 4
  5. AJ4 Need Vision

    AJ4 Need Vision

    I've "flipped" my week 1 LO including flipping my drawing. The concept is looking at the idea of what you make others see from another angle. The colors also went from warm to cool.
  6. scrap-genie

    March AJ Challenge - Week 1: PERSPECTIVE

    This idea has been rattling around in my head all month and finally I got something done with it.
  7. AJ1 Make Others See

    AJ1 Make Others See

    The concept of perspective covers so many ideas. The quote I used immediately came to mind as one way to think of perspective and how it is part of my work.
  8. scrap-genie

    March Challenge #6 - Tic Tac Toe

    I went with down the middle: time piece, title, tag. Thanks for a great challenge.
  9. Memories


    I rescanned a photo for the heritage challenge also on this porch and grabbed this one as well. Fond memories of the place and people but so long ago.
  10. scrap-genie

    March Challenge #2 - Heritage

    Thanks for the challenge. I really enjoyed it and it drove me to rescan the photo to get it a little better.
  11. Four Generations

    Four Generations

    We have three generations of maternal line four generation photos, but I think this is the only 4 gen photo on my father's side. This is the version I took with my Brownie Hawkeye camera, so not that great but I've improved it some. Not sure of the year as it was printed in May 1956 but I'm sure...
  12. scrap-genie

    Some more bird ID help, please.

    I don't agree with Merlin. The top two look to be House Finch and the bottom could maybe be a female purple finch but the photo isn't great. The top ones aren't the right shade of red and have diagnostic brown streaking on the flanks. Here's the Cornell House Sparrow site (scroll down for...
  13. scrap-genie

    Daily Ooos: Friday, March 14

    Chris @faerywings I posted my Pi Day LO early so it was already here. Last night I was up to see the lunar eclipse, at least parts of it as it was too cold in the night to stay outside. And remember about House Finches that only the males have red in their plumage.
  14. scrap-genie

    March Challenge #1 - Journaling

    I'm hoping this helped me see what needs to be done. Thanks for the challenge.
  15. What Should It Be

    What Should It Be

    I've done my journaling handwritten and used that in the LO. Threads of things I'm doing keep growing and give me a need to find how to get something done in the chaos in my head. If you can't read my scribbled writing, that's okay.