
Recent content by Lorie Davison

  1. Lorie Davison

    Welcome Designed by Irma to Oscraps!

    Welcome to the O Irma!
  2. Lorie Davison

    Comment by 'Lorie Davison' in media 'Brand New Day'

    This a bold, wild, colorful explosion and exactly illustrates the mood I want to be in when I wake up tomorrow Karen.
  3. Lorie Davison

    Comment by 'Lorie Davison' in media 'True-Love.jpg'

    Beautiful creative design. Love the way the left side grabs you initially and leads you to the story on the right.
  4. Lorie Davison

    Comment by 'Lorie Davison' in media 'Snow Dreams'

    This perfectly imagines the way I love winter. The bright colors against the brilliant white, the wind that stings and kisses at the same time. This is wonderful Jeanette.
  5. Lorie Davison

    Comment by 'Lorie Davison' in media 'Persimmon Sorceress 1000'

    Love your rich warm oranges & reds!
  6. Lorie Davison

    Comment by 'Lorie Davison' in media '#6 Jack of Spades (Happy Halloween)'

    Jeez Louise isDK!! 51 more cards like this would make the greatest deck ever seen on earth.
  7. Lorie Davison

    Comment by 'Lorie Davison' in media 'Make A Wish'

    This is wild & beautiful. I've been longing to explore that part of Montana since we drove through there a few years ago.
  8. Lorie Davison

    Comment by 'Lorie Davison' in media '#2 Bunny Days'

    Sigh, I love the way you used bunny colors for your whole artwork.
  9. Lorie Davison

    Comment by 'Lorie Davison' in media 'CHRISTIE'S TEARS'

    Thank you Foxey, Looking at this I feel like I'm looking into your heart. You are amazing.
  10. Lorie Davison

    Comment by 'Lorie Davison' in media 'BIRDS-EYE'

    Yikes! Foxey this is soooo creative, whimsical, dreamy, Zen, elegant. oxoxo
  11. Lorie Davison

    Comment by 'Lorie Davison' in media 'wild-watermelon-party--lori.jpg'

    I love this Zanthia. It makes me hungry for summer.
  12. Lorie Davison

    Comment by 'Lorie Davison' in media 'NO-RUSH'

    Wombat this is gorgeous! Is that your boat?
  13. Lorie Davison

    Comment by 'Lorie Davison' in media 'Just a thought away.jpg'

    Beautiful. Love the textures. And the "thought."
  14. Lorie Davison

    Comment by 'Lorie Davison' in media 'June Challenge #6 - Journaling.jpg'

    Sweeeet!! Love him, you did Joe soo good.
  15. Lorie Davison

    Comment by 'Lorie Davison' in media 'August AJ Week 1: Nature'

    More Congrats for the Standing O Chris. This is beautiful.