
Recent content by Jam-on-toast

  1. Jam-on-toast

    Scrap Stories: It's Collecting, not Hoarding…

    @JeanneMN and @AK_Tracy ladies, know that you are not alone...
  2. Jam-on-toast

    Scrap Stories: It's Collecting, not Hoarding…

    nobody needs to know... not even you because what if the logical you starts pestering you with ideas that you don't need it??? then the creative you might kiss back 'my precioussssssss' and... well... who needs this internal turmoil??
  3. Jam-on-toast

    Scrap Stories: It's Collecting, not Hoarding…

    Love your page Eva... I can totally relate - I have a ton of cross stitching supplies and kits and charts I'll never use but can't part with. Some of the older stuff has been with us for almost 20 years... traveled the world, stayed in the box at every destination - is still there - and will...
  4. Jam-on-toast

    Comment by 'Jam-on-toast' in media 'Hoarding'

    Ha ha... totally relate... I have a ton of cross-stitching supplies and charts I KNOW I will never use, but just can't seem to part with...
  5. Jam-on-toast

    Scrap Stories: It's Collecting, not Hoarding…

    I have exactly 4,177 templates in the folder creatively named 'Templates', and a couple hundred more scattered across random designer folders that I haven't gotten round to moving to the proper 'Templates' folder yet because… well, I have priorities. My collection is vast. I have templates for...
  6. Jam-on-toast

    Blog Updated - We are so PROUD of you!!

    Wonderful post... I am one of those whose pages 'aren't really AJ' and who struggled with AJ for a long time. Your challenges helped me explore that side of scrapping and I came to realize I actually enjoy AJ
  7. Jam-on-toast

    Comment by 'Jam-on-toast' in media 'Every Page Tells a Tale'

    I really like this page - all the layers and torn edges and the vintage vibe!
  8. Jam-on-toast

    Comment by 'Jam-on-toast' in media 'Memories'

    I LOVED your journaling and the brown shirt with no thread of brown in it. You look gorgeous in this photo!
  9. Jam-on-toast

    Comment by 'Jam-on-toast' in media 'Four Generations'

    What an absolute treasure this photo it! Love all the layers and the stitched frame. I also like how you combined product from different designers from past collections. They all go together so beautifully!
  10. Jam-on-toast

    Comment by 'Jam-on-toast' in media 'Be the Change'

    wow... this is so colorful and bright and... I was going to say happy but then did a doubletake at the wordstrips, so I am going to say inspiring... I love all the layers and the flow from left to right, from busy to white space and the bold title. Awesome page!
  11. Jam-on-toast

    Comment by 'Jam-on-toast' in media 'Enchanting Clock'

    Just saw this on the blog! What a creative take on the challenge! Absolutely LOVE your page. Congrats on the Standing O - totally well deserved.
  12. Jam-on-toast

    Comment by 'Jam-on-toast' in media 'Peace'

    Thank you. You made my day!
  13. Jam-on-toast

    Comment by 'Jam-on-toast' in media 'Finding our Rhythm..jpg'

    Love all the layers here and the placement of everything. Stunning page design - congrats on GSO - TOTALLY well deserved!
  14. Jam-on-toast

    Just arrived @oscraps | 30% off this week’s additions

    Beautiful products, Anja! I love those templates!
  15. Jam-on-toast

    Sad News

    oh my gosh.. what a tragic turn of events... and so sudden and so quick... I'm so sorry this has happened. It feels unfair - and my heart goes out to all of you and most of all to your brother - what an impossible decision to make... so sorry for your loss...