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  • Thanks so much. I read your instructions on the challenge page and saw that you included a link to the Mini-O store. Hadn't seen that before
    Hello scribler, my name is Jodie (jodegaard) and I've been a member of the O for less than a year. Though I've seen the term "mini O" here and there on this website, I really don't know what it means - a designer name, or otherwise. I'm interested in participating in the brand new challenge you are hosting, but don't know how to start. Thanks
    Welcome back. Posted my page for you in the challenge thread. BTW...not sure if you had proofed your wording yet but just in case (if you don't mind my corrections):
    1. color not collar.
    2. you typed "he colors", leaving off the "t".
    3. day should be pleural.
    4. There (not their) have been many times.
    5. event (not advent).

    I'm trying to be helful but apologize if I'm bugging you. I enjoyed making a page for you.
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