
Zen Moment

Zen Moment

Today I had what I would call an epiphany, a zen moment or something like that anyway. Now, Im not particularly into those things but I do like to reflect on my life and the way its working out for me. The thoughts that crossed my mind felt like a eureka moment so I thought it would be a good idea to write them down and save them for later.

Have you ever wished that time would just go away? I dont mean time or existence in the literal sense. I mean time in the way we count things. Because were always counting arent we?
What time is it? How much time do I have left? How much longer until we arrive? I dont have time for this. We need to hurry up were going to be late.
When you really take a close look at all the hang-ups we have about time, its amazing how much we obsess about it. We think we can control time, how long things take and what kind of results we get. Time management, after all, is how we achieve success, isnt it? Or so we think.
But time doesnt change! You cant add more, you cant have less. It just is what it is. Everyone had the same 24 hours a day. And if it cant change it cant be managed. What can change is you! You can develop better habits and live out your priorities.

Background paper: Clean & Serene Solids No. 2 by Jesse Edward (they are my little black scrapping dress)
Paper under photo: Paislee Press, Altered Ego
Yarn: a piece of a yarn tie from Katie Pertiets Going Away Collection
Brads Bonanza by Patti Knox
Staples: Paislee Press, Chasing the Sun
Clock: Mlle Heloise, Delicious
Brushes: the Enso sign (circle) I made myself and the grid I made with a brush from the Distressed Tool Set No. 3 by Anna Aspnes
Alpha: Michelle Martin, Manchester Kit
Font: Gill Sans

Thank you so much for looking!
Very dramatic page...both in the journaling and the composition! Wonderfully done!

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