


Thirteen years is a long time. I got you when you were just 10 weeks old and it`s truly amazing to think about all the life events you've been here for. You've been a comfort during times of loss, and unknowingly a sympathetic ear. I had you before I was married, and before I turned 30. In fact, you got to come home a week after my 25th birthday. And so now seeing your health start to slowly decline I worry. Last week I took you to see Dr. Perez because you had a lump on the side of your head. She did what she could, but was hesitant to put you out to test for what it may be. For now you`re taking antibiotics and need to wear a protective cone so you`re not able to rub or accidentally scratch yourself. We've adjusted the height of your food and water bowls to make it easier for you to reach, and carry you down the front steps every time you need outside. You have a hard time getting comfortable especially to sleep. I wish there was more I could do but all we can do right now is wait to see if you heal or not. If you`re not better after 14 days you`ll go back to see what can be done. I've heard a lot of people say they'd
never own a pet because it`s so difficult when something happens to them. I can totally understand that now, though it wouldn't have changed my mind for a single second. No matter how rough the next few weeks might turn out to be, we'll do our best to get you feeling like you're old self. Feel better soon old friend. We love you lots and lots and lots.

September 20, 2011

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Oh that is sad. We had to put our cat to sleep last year, and a 'boon companion' he sure had been. Wishing your pet the best!

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