this is for HIstory challenge at back to school party at Scrapartist...TFL!!
so, here in Brazil we have an "employment record", it's something we need if we work, a document to register everything work related.
Even if my mother started working very young, this was her first "employment record" (carteira profissional, in portuguese) document, from 1953.
Back at that time, world was mainly ruled by men, so, inside this document, there was a field to say both the color of the skin and if the person had mustache/beard!!
not a girly thing at all!!
bg paper, brown button, Sugar maple by Cori Gammon,
butterfly, red flower, white button, Sugar maple add-on, by Cori Gammon;
green ribbon, Beauteous, Cori Gammon;
alpha, Amber Clegg, lace, Michelle Colleman, In Bloom, collab(retired);
lace, Made of Awesome, collab by Amanda Rockwell and Eva Kipler;
lace, Sweet sugar, Amanda Rockwell;
girl brush, Amber Clegg(mojo monday freebie).
fonts, Architext, CK cursive,