


heheee...made you look!! you're probably wondering what the heck that title means!! it's our "ethnic" Christmas Eve celebration. for every Christmas Eve of my life, we've done Wigilia. my mom stopped making it when she was in her mid 70s, so i started doing it for my own family at that point (about 15 years ago.) my Wigilia is a mix of Polish and Rusyn tradition. lots of sauerkraut in various incarnations, pierogi, mushroom soup, fish, homemade bread and other stuff that add up to many courses. in my childhood (the photo from around 1962) Wigilia was held at my family's house, with my Grandfather Boleslaw holding court at the head of the table. the "grown-up" table was in the dining room, the "kids table" extended into the living room. Wigilia is one of my most treasured life memories. i thought this remembrance would be a good way to start off December.


Anna Aspnes Designs
Holiday Layered Template No.1 coming soon to Anna's store at the O
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I remember the extended 'children-table' in my family!!!!
Love your collage and your explanation of 'wigilia'. Cherish the good memories!!
Love those ethnic celebrations! Reminds me of my childhood pics from the 60's! (Isn't it amazing how SO many people fit around the table in a small room; you could hardly move - what a memory!)
Great memories, Phylis. I loved the kid's table. We had so much more fun than the adults!
Yes, you got my attention...this is wonderful, great use of the template! Great photos!
Yep, I looked! How interesting and what a wonderful tradition you still keep part of your holidays. I can so relate to the 'grown up' and 'kids table'..........happy you mentioned those details in your journaling. LOVE your take on the template.......very creative, Phylis!
Ja, caught my attention too! In my head it went tic tic tic remembering my Polish friends in school (England) some 50 years ago. We shared all the different Christmas Eve traditions, thats how I know about it. Wonderful you making all that good food, gathering your family 'round the big table. Marvelous page, thanks for sharing.
It's very important these family celebrations ... for me too, my children asked me to substitue the old parents and continue to celebrate Christmas at home ... and all together, children, nephews, nieces, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, cousins ... it's HAPPINESS!
Phylis, if you cook this ...I will come. ;) Even on a winter's day. This takes me back to my childhood but the family was much much smaller because of adult arguments and the adult childrens moves away from PA. None of Nana's recipes survived but saurkraut soup is one of my favorites from September on.

What a wonderful memory! this page has struck.
What a treasure Miss P! Precious memories wrapped in stunning art. Beautiful, just beautiful.

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