
Where Words Are Felt

Where Words Are Felt

In the September 2012 issue of Artisan's Notebook, an issue focusing on layouts with journaling and illustrated words.

Finding the words to write this story, finding my voice about my relationship with my mother was the most difficult part of this layout. It has been more than 10 years since she passed away. But I think these stories need to be told as much as any others in life because they reveal so much about who we are, what we think and how we feel in our relationships...a layout for my children and grandchildren.


Finding the words to express what I feel now and then is difficult. I dont think I ever really knew you. I remember the pain in the few stories you shared from your childhood. I know I didnt understand your un-diagnosed Bipolar. You were complicated, always demanding my best, our relationship never intimate.

But every time I look at your dishes, I remember how much you loved pretty things, your delight at the pattern you selected so late in life. I remember our tea party, packing your dishes, the teapot, sugar bowl, three cups and saucers into a basket along with scones, strawberries and clotted cream Id made. Together, Glenda and I drove down to San Juan Capistrano to give you a tea party for your birthday. I remember dipping the strawberries into the cream and feeding you. I remember holding your teacup so you could take a sip.

Three weeks later, you were gone. I shared this story of our tea party at your funeral in remembrance of the sweetness of the moment. Only then did I learn from another how much our tea party meant to you. Time has given me perspective, but not I think all the words. Suffice it to say, I love you Mom, imperfections and all, in my heart where words are felt.


Anna Aspnes ArtPlay Palette Strawberry Preserve, ArtPlay Palette Salty Living, ArtPlay Palette Genuine, ArtPlay Palette Wild, ArtPlay Solids Why Not
Sir Lancelots Youre My Cup of Tea, recolored ribbon
Right from the heart.so meaningful, so touching! Congrats on the Artisan's Notebook publication, Linda!
Linda, this is beautiful! I saw this page this morning in the new issue and thank you for sharing.........your 'words' are very much right from the heart. Amazing and touching.
This is very touching. Your children and grandchildren will treasure this page for sure!
What beautiful page, love the extraction of the tea cup! and a lovely photo of your mother - thanks for sharing the story - your children and grandchildren will treasure this story!
this is so beautiful. lovely photo of your mother. love the tea cup and the way you've threaded the ribbon through it's delicate handle.
What a beautiful page with beautiful journalling. That teacup is just the perfect touch to the page.

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Anna Aspnes
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