


  • Media owner wombat146
  • Date added
Just A close-up of Week 4
Features a physical AJ page I created during the 100 Day Challenge, this was for Day 12. It was made with paper pieces, scrapbook paper and magazine pictures all stuck down with matte medium and a bit of paint splattered over the top. Doing the challenge certainly renewed my soul! Also used the book title that Chris provided for this week's inspiration.

The products used for this portion of the layout can be found HERE
Jeepers, lady, is there anything you aren't capable of creating. This defies description, after I pick my jaw up from my desk I might think of something. Inspired use of the quote and that cluster? Holey moley Oly, you are THE WOMAN!!:bowdown3::bowdown3:
This is fabulous, Ona! I'm so glad that you're featuring your physical AJ pages from the 100 Day Challenge. Your words of wisdom are wonderful and I love the little word strips that you added on top of the picture. They fit perfectly with this quote.
Jeepers, lady, is there anything you aren't capable of creating. This defies description, after I pick my jaw up from my desk I might think of something. Inspired use of the quote and that cluster? Holey moley Oly, you are THE WOMAN!!:bowdown3::bowdown3:

This is fabulous, Ona! I'm so glad that you're featuring your physical AJ pages from the 100 Day Challenge. Your words of wisdom are wonderful and I love the little word strips that you added on top of the picture. They fit perfectly with this quote.

Thanks so much for your kind words ladies! To be honest, finding the quote to glue onto that day's page was done very randomly, I was in a hurry and just wanted to finish it. Later when I was looking over my pages I realised that it had been the 'right' one to use! Goes to show how your 'inner muse' will always find the right answer if you allow it to. Turning off the brain and not overthinking is something that requires a lot of work sometimes! lol!

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Art Journal
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Member Galleries, Oscraps Cheery O's,

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178.7 KB
800px x 1024px

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