
Week 14b

Week 14b

Credits: Layered template (Project 365 Simple Solution April 2010, Template 14a) by Molly Weight (Biograffiti), Back To Basics Mega Kit contributions by Angie Kovacs and Chrissy W, Creased Papers by Laura Banasiak (Simply.Scraps) from project 365 grab bag 1 and April Showers Cardstock by Jane Shaver (Little Red Scraps). Font is DJB Andrea D by Darcy Baldwin. Journalling reads: How on earth is it already April? It seems so strange to think that 1/4 of the year is already over with. The new month saw Lukas start his school holidays, Logan start crawling properly and me start a new CT. I resigned from all of my previous CT's when I was pregnant with Logan, now that he's a bit bigger and happy to amuse himself for a while, I have started to miss being part of a team and creating layouts. I have also started blogging again. I set myself a challenge of blogging something everyday this month. So far it's going quite well, fingers crossed it stays like that. I have been really ill again so we haven't done much. This was Logan's first Easter but it didn't really feel like Easter at all. The boys got eggs from Lisa and and the kids and from Uncle Malcolm. But even though I had bought Easter crafts and things to do none of us really felt like doing them. Lukas and Logan seemed to enjoy eating their eggs and spending the day chilling out. On Sunday we took a trip to Legoland for their Ben 10 After Dark event. The day was a bit of a let down but the laser show was amazing. The rest of the week was all about relaxing and doing as little as possible. Logan is teething and is utterly miserable and with me being ill as well, Lukas has been mostly left to his own devices. He's found plenty of things to do, like dressing Logan up in the Build-A-Bear outfit, building Lego creations and playing both the X-Box 360 and the Playstation 2. Logan is getting cheekier every single day, the more you tell him not to do something, the more he looks right at you and does it anyway, little monkey.
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