Many may not understand, but those whose lives have been a meandering path with
many lodgings will. A child has to go/be where her parents are.
My lifehas been full of change. I’ve lived in 3 countries,5 states,
and lost track of # of cities/towns.
In each place my feet landed, I learned something.
But my heart always longed to belong. To not
be the “new kid in town”. I didn’t know how strong
that desire was until one day I was so down about it
and the Lord spoke.
He said “There is nothing wrong with these people,
they are just not ”your people”.
We have not been happy where we are in S.C.
We have been so bored- like fish out of water.
So we began to pray about finding “our people”.
We searched,investigated, wondered...
I saw Dad for the last time the day we visited this place-
a place of family memories. A place I have always loved.
For the first time in 43 years I saw that old lighthouse
and immediately felt His presence, I felt something
I didn’t realize I had lost- the sense of belonging;
I felt AT HOME!
I wondered for a moment if it
was just the connection to Dad. But it was
so much more. This was confirmed when my
husband expressed how much he loves this place,
and that he “could live here”. I was stunned.
We had never considered moving back here.
But we love all the “villages”, the islands,
the lake, the vibrant Artist communities,
the different mindset of the people.
We feel a call to this place and
know He will make the way
for us to move.