
Nonni F


Created with Fiddlette Designs "WARRIOR"
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Fiddlette Designs
What a great page to show the depth contrast in this girl’s personality! The photo shows the strong side of her with the boxing gloves while the butterfly in the beautiful background shows her soft and gentle side! I also love your quote!
Awesome page, love the contrast between tough and sweet. Great colors and the background looks awesome. Makes the girl stand out beautiful!
Standing O!
What a great page to show the depth contrast in this girl’s personality! The photo shows the strong side of her with the boxing gloves while the butterfly in the beautiful background shows her soft and gentle side! I also love your quote!
thank you so much.
Awesome page, love the contrast between tough and sweet. Great colors and the background looks awesome. Makes the girl stand out beautiful!
Standing O!
Oh, my heart! Thank you so much.

Layout information

Arline's Digital Art
Added by
Nonni F
Date added
View count
Comment count
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings
Additional categories
Member Galleries, Fiddlette Designs,

Image metadata

Fiddlette_Warrior a small.jpg
File size
550.4 KB
Date taken
Sat, 15 August 2020 5:03 PM
600px x 600px

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