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  • Media owner pmjames
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Pages from Anna's Savvy PhotoBook Project. This is the right hand page of a double page spread using the Artplay Rougir Collection.

Process Pages 20 and 21 from the Project Template Album 9 were dragged onto a 24x12 Layout. I grouped both left and right hand Layers to help keep the Layers organised. Some of the Layers were turned off in the Layers Panel to better suit my page design. Page numbers 28 and 29 were added to left and right pages as needed. A Leather Style was applied to each. The numbers were duplicated and filled with white – placed below the black numbers with a drop shadow applied and offset using the arrow keys. The Background was created with a Plain Paper on the right and a plain paper Blended with an Arty Paper on the Left. A Multiply Blending Mode was applied to the Plain Paper. Some of my Photos were extracted and placed below the Frames of the Template with others on top. The rest of the images were clipped to the Frame Layers of the Template. Papers were also clipped to the Frame Layers. Paper Textures and Overlays were added below the Template Layers. WordART was based on Anna’s provided WordART in the Savvy Photobook Project. I changed some of the words to suit my own Layout. Splatters and some dimensional elements were added to the Page. Journaling completed this double page spread.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  • Love
Reactions: lacy

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Anna Aspnes
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143.3 KB
800px x 800px

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