

Underwater Journal

Sometimes, one photo is all that is needed, but there are moments that are impossible to capture without going trigger-happy with the shutter button. This page documents one such experience. With more than 40 photos that together tell a story, I couldn't choose just a few - because each photo was too crowded and not a single one was good enough to stand on its own. I was browsing the gallery looking for inspiration and stumbled upon the Frametastic series by Kitty Designs. This template allowed me to place 20(!!!) photos on a page in a way which highlighted our own experience while hiding (yet hinting at) all the others who were there too.

Thank you for looking. The journaling reads:

The day started miserably. It was pouring and we even considered canceling the boat tour but, in the end, decided that snorkeling was a wet activity anyway. Our first stop was meeting a manta ray. It'd stopped raining so we were in higher spirits. The thing was huge, and very deep below us, a fascinating creature that seemed powerful and yet harmless, lurking at the bottom carelessly flapping its wings… but when at some point I found myself facing it and the thing appeared to be swimming up with its mouth wide open straight at me, I was terrified and couldn’t get out of its sight fast enough.
Our next stop was a place where the water was so shallow, we could stand. There were more rays, sting rays (???) this time, and they came up to us and allowed us to touch them. There was one - Julie - who clearly recognized one of our crew and was on him, asking to be petted, all the time. The blacktip sharks came too. At some point there were about 10 sharks circling us petting the five rays… Totally surreal experience.
Another quick stop to snorkel and watch a school of 20 leopard rays deep below. And then we went for lunch. Half-way there it started raining again. One of the guys handed out ponchos… the others refused, but I was so cold from the wind… I put it on. Ha ha ha.. What was it they say about not playing with plastic bags?
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Kitty Designs
  2. Sarapullka Scraps
I'm so glad you gave us a close-up view of the brilliant way this displayed the adventure and played peek a boo with all the others. It looks like an absolutely fantastic day and I love snorkeling. Love that background.

Layout information

Oscraps Cheery O's
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Kitty Design, Sarapullka Scraps,

Image metadata

2025-01 layout 3.jpg
File size
186.5 KB
Date taken
Mon, 06 January 2025 3:14 PM
800px x 800px

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