
Twilight Pumpkins

Twilight Pumpkins

Tis the season to be spooky! I liked that Anna's new MultiMedia pumpkins almost had a eerie vibe, so I went in that direction. Plus I love Halloween, so from Oct. 15th on I'm in full fright mode.

Scary pumpkin art found @ pixabay.com

Evanescent Bundle **NEW & On Sale**

ArtPlay Mini-Palette Twilight

MultiMedia Pumpkins No. 3

Process notes:
I used solidPapers No. 3 and No. 4 from APP Evanescent as my background. I created a setting for pumpkins by brushing in a ground line with brushes from APP Evanescent, then adding several transfers from the same kit to give it more dimension. I slightly modified each pumpkin before I placed them on the ground line. When the pumpkins were arranged the way I liked them, I added transfers from APP Twilight behind the pumpkins to give it a spooky vibe. WordArt from Twilight was the final touch. But to make it even spookier, I created a composite layer (Shift+Cmd+Opt +E) and converted it to a smart object. Then I applied a colored pencil PhotoShop filter using the color burn blending mode at 47% opacity. My freaky pumpkin patch was ready to scareanyone and everyone!

Thanks so much for looking!
Halloween is started, most Dutch people celebrate not Halloween, I think it's a special American thing? You've created an awesome page, spooky and dark, I love the texture and pumpkins, one is really evil, have a great Halloween Christy!!
The atmosphere of Halloween is completed .les pumpkins are terrifying!
OMG! So cool and creepy page! Totally love it!
Standing O!!!!

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Anna Aspnes
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