
Traveling in style!

Traveling in style!

Traveling in style!
Using Anna Aspnes APP Airy!
Anna Aspnes APP studious
Anna Aspnes SubtleQuotes Life No. 1

The focal image was treated with watercolor techniques.
The APP palette Airy has a wonderful set of muted tones with wonderful golden textures that were used as part of the background scene.
I used a duplicated watercolor layer of the focal image in the layer stack with a blending option pink light.
The background effect is created by using different transfers from the APP Airy and Studious,
the composition was placed over a background solid paper#4 from the APP Airy,
this particular paper has an intense color and creates a wonderful overall color effect used as secondary background.
I used textures below the feet of the image as well to create an illusion of a road/path...
all the beauty done by Anna's transfers
from this magnificent beautiful APPs.
Also I used Subtle Quotes life to create shadows and graphical lines guiding the viewers eyes across the page.
so soft and fancy. love the texture and brushes in the background.
Very stylish - love that bag! Love the technique which is fast becoming your trademark! Love the way you journaled - I mean where you put it (if that makes sense!)
pefection!!!!!! looks like a fashion ad that a company would pay big buck for...love it.
Beautiful page! Love the style and how you mounted and skewed the paper on the background.

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Anna Aspnes
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