
Time Flies

Time Flies

JOURNALING: Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is for you to change things back to the way they were when I was a child. Back then, Christmas came waaaayyyy after Thanksgiving. Now Christmas comes only a couple of days after turkey day. I need more time!!! Im sure you could use more time too so its a win/win. Thanks, Flustered in Florida

CREDITS: About {Family & Home}_Anita Designs & Designed by Soco (Items recolored); 52 Inspirations 2016 No 2_Vicki Stegall; vintage postage stamp from web
This made me laugh. I'm sure there are many who feel Christmas comes a WEEK after Thanksgiving (especially since some radio stations have been playing Christmas music since SEPTEMBER!!!). Love the font you used that looks hand lettered. And I love the use of the vintage postage stamp on your envelope
You need to move to Canada where Thanksgiving is celebrated a bit earlier than in Florida!! Or perhaps you could move to the North Pole where it is Christmas all year long!! I could share a bunk bed with you LOL!!
Thanks for your great letter to Santa!!
After Thanksgiving? Try after Halloween like it was up here. I couldn't believe it!!!! Love your cute letter with the stop watch.

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2016 Advent Event - December
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