

Those Eyes (AnnaColor Challenge 1.18.18)

Photo Treatment: In Photoshop Elements 15 I ran copies of the photo through several filters playing with the adjustment levers. When something good happened, I renamed that layer in such a way as to note the filter and the lever settings. Then I moved on to try another rendering on the next copy. I came up with four renderings that I liked. At this point I copied them and grouped the original renderings to keep them safely out of the way while I experimented with different blend mode combinations. In the end I was happiest with two filtered renditions: Water Paper (at settings 29, 56, 75) and Photo Copy (at settings 7, 8) I placed Water Paper in Hard Light blend mode over Photo Copy in Normal blend mode. Then I saved all my work into a separate file and brought the two layers into a new layout page.
Background: AASPN_ArtPlayMiniPaletteMemento_SolidPaper2 with BG_PurpleStreaks (Pumpkin Princess Kit by Christine Gunderson) in Overlay blend mode
ArtsyTransfer: AASPN_ArtsyTransferAbrazo_1
Photo Masks: AFineLine (1) by Erica Belton Designs. To prepare the photos, I masked away an ugly fireplace in the background, then after applying the mask, I colored it to tones that are more appealing to the layout and erased a little in those areas to let some background texture show through. Then I merged the mask and photo so that I could apply a little white paint (at low opacity) over the aqua and pink using a wet media brush from Photoshop. For the final touch I applied a slight bevel and shadow.
Elements: AASPN_ArtPlayPaletteArrive_UrbanStitchez.png and AASPN_DottedKNE1_6.png
Fonts: Courier New Regular
Sweet photos! Love those big eyes! Isn't it fun to experiment with Photoshop?!
Sweet photo and perfect for the challenge. I like how you've done the sketch effect.

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Anna Aspnes
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