
This happened

This happened

My Mum is slowly emptying her house into my house, I know she's doing it and can't say no so was relieved today when I only left with three old photographs - you take them she said firmly...gladly I smiled! :)

I started with Spring Album Template page 17, rotated, removed some of the parts I didn't want and then clipped an artsy paper from AP inclement to the mask. Behind is another paper and a selection of overlays and transfers from the AP. I then opened a framed mask and transformed the mask to make it slightly thinner then clipped the photograph to it; this was duplicated with the top layer Hard light 37%. I duplicated the photograph again, enlarged and again changed to Hard light. The text box and quote is from another of the templates (page 17). Lastly I added some Urban Threadz flowers and a butterfly element.

Spring Template Album No. 2
FramedMasks No. 2
ArtPlay Palette Inclement
UrbanThreadz Flowers No. 1
Lovely journaling. Must be hard to see her saying goodbye to her life and memories.

And for the picture: you haven't change a bit!
great way of duplicating - it flows so well in the background . Love how you made the template your own by pulling out bits from other pages as well.
This is so wonderful !!! I love old pictures, they tell us so much !!! Love what your mom said !
Wow.. I can surely see the resemblance,not much change over the years..what a cutie you were. I try to do the same thing as your Mum.. I sort of feel that it is much more from the heart if I give them items now,so they can feel the love and then,thatI am sure they received it. Lovely,lovely layout!!
Wonderful journaling of this bittersweet process...the passing on of lifetime treasures. And what an adorable little girl in this photo...makes me smile!
You are the master of creativity with your lovely photos... the duplicated image... framing... butterfly and stitching... just lovely.. and aren't you the sweetest in your plaid... Shirley Temple... what a wonderful page Fionna
What a lovely, precious picture, I love what your mom sad, that will be a great memorie, I love how you've placed the frame with the stiches, an awesome page!
The contrasting bright butterfly speaks to the cycle of life, at least to me. It's a wonderful touch that adds impact to your thoughtful journaling. Beautiful use of the template.

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Anna Aspnes
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