
These Hands

These Hands

Kit used: Missing You by Tracy Martin Designs
These Hands: These are Moms Hands they have wiped tears, hugged and consoled, cherished and blessed the lives of those they touched. These hands have cooked and cleaned, spread blankets, pressed shirts, wiped noses, held a baby or two or twenty. These hands have been kind and loving, crocheted blankets and hats, knitted booties and mittens, baked and kneaded, loved and lost. These hands suffered and soothed, ached and cared, loved and served. These hands speak volumes of the person you were. Your beautiful long fingers and gorgeous finger-nails are something I will always remember. I ache in remembering your pain throughout your cancer and illness, holding your hands through the pain filled days of agony and suffering. These hands were always trying to cheer me up instead of me cheering you up. I love remembering you tell me, Im so glad we got you. Somedays are harder than others, and as each day passes it does get easier. I miss your voice and your sweet face and your adorable gullible character that always kept me laughing. I miss our chats and shopping trips, lunch dates, and precious moments together. I will always miss you, Mom! I couldnt love you more if you were my own mother, not just my mother-in-law. There have been so many endless memories that Im so grateful for. Our moving trip where you and I drove to Pocatello from Lewiston in a snow storm. The countless tears we shed over spiritual experiences, the day both you and Dad were with us as we brought each of our precious babies home from their Foster Homes or Birth Mothers. You were my best girl-friend I could tell you anything at anytime and you would help me through or just offer a listening ear so I could vent my frustrations. I will always love those sweet memories of a very genuine lovely woman. I cherish you, my dear, and pray to be the kind of woman of faith that you are. Im so forever grateful that we will be reunited in the heavens, that I will once again hold your hand, hug you tight and tell her you I love you! Until then, I will continue to miss you and cherish the memories we shared together, but I rejoice that you are at peace and no longer in pain. And best of all, that you and Dad are once again reunited. Love always, Andi
Oh....my heart... Your journaling is so touching and so honors your wonderful mom. A LO like this reminds us all the true reason why we scrapbook...to take the pieces,feelings,experiences, places and people of our lives and record them so that others can see why they were so important to us. Hats off to you for doing that so beautifully in this LO! Nominating this for a Standing O as soon as I wipe my teary eyes. Thanks so much for sharing!

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