
There once was a little girl...

There once was a little girl...

For this week's challenge on the Hodge Podge blog. The journaling prompt was to scrap about siblings. Whether it is your siblings, your husband/significant others siblings or even the bond between your own children. Journal about the bond between brothers/sisters.

Junkyard & Old School by Holliewood Studios @ Oscraps]
Play Days by Holliewood Studios & Createwings Designs @ Oscraps,
also available @ A5D
Re-Creation 23 by Catherine Designs & Createwings Designs @ After Five Designs
Boys Retreat by Catherine Designs @ A5D
Retro Spring by Bisontine @ A5D (recoloured)
Retrospection (retired) by Lynne-Marie Favreau @ CatScrap
My Favorite Things by Weeds & Wildflowers
Doodle Dreams by Nancie Rowe Janitz @ ScrapArtist

Fonts: Pea Mee-Mee and Pea Aimee

There once was a girl who was born into a world full of boys. Her mother, after having five boys, was thrilled to finally have a girl, and tried hard to dress her up in cute little dresses and make her look all girly. The little girl, however, had other ideas and, more often than not, ended up looking like this... all covered in dirt and dressed in whatever she had managed to raid from her brothers hand-me-downs.
Maybe, if there had been some girls her age in the neighbourhood, she might have willingly worn a dress once in a while. And maybe she wouldnt have spent the bulk of her days trying to tag along after her brothers and their friends. Maybe. But there seemed a distinct shortage of little girls in the blocks surrounding their little world, and no end of boys her brothers ages. And so it went.
She skinned her knees trying to keep up with them; she got welts getting caught in the crossfire of macaroni gun wars; she got stuck in a duffel bag hung from the walnut tree after being convinced it was the ultimate hide-&-seek hiding spot; she jumped from the sundeck holding a bedsheet as a parachute; and she discovered the hard way that tricycles dont have brakes, trying to follow her brothers down the driveway over a jump.
As she grew older, she discovered their music, and her tagging along continued as their stereo blasted in the basement. Trying to stay out of their way didnt help. She got nearly skinned alive when Gord found his Jimi Hendrix tape in her cassette player. So began her education. She learned the Dewey Decimal System not from her frequent trips to the library, but lest she misfile one of Greg & Brads records after listening. Soon she could get a record on the turntable and dust it with nary a finger touching vinyl, and she could play a pretty mean air guitar too. They still found no shortage of other things to fight about, but their geeky love of music gave them one bond that would last a lifetime.
First off ... wow ... FANTASTIC journaling ... I loved reading it!!!
second off ... wow ... love all the details & the way you've subtly incorporated so many photos!!!
Fabulous page!!!
Oh, this has had me laughing hysterically out loud. What a wonderful story, superbly told and although I don't have any brothers, my neighbour's kids were all boys slightly older than me and I recognise several of these games - although my hide & seek games tended to end with me getting sat on under something unsuitable like a duvet or shut in a packing case.

Your LOs are fabulous - I'm so glad I've found your gallery. Please keep them coming!
Oh my!!! I am so loving your gallery! This is stunning! I must try something like this!

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