
The stork - La cigogne

The stork - La cigogne

All by Anna Aspnes
Fonts : Daniel regular - Exo regular

La fable

Une fable empreinte de posie parue en 1917 expliquerait pourquoi ce bel oiseau porte du noir et du blanc. En survolant l'Alsace, leur retour d'Egypte, les cigognes auraient t indignes en voyant le sol jonch de cadavres aprs une bataille lors de la premire guerre mondiale. Elles exprimrent leur colre Dieu devant la cruaut des hommes et lui demandrent la permission de se teindre les ailes en noir en signe de tristesse de deuil et d'indignation. Un jeune cigogneau ayant exprim son dsaccord quant au fait de perdre la blancheur de son plumage, Dieu trancha et dit " Trempez seulement le bout de vos ailes dans le noir de la dsillusion et que ce noir soit brillant comme le diamant de vos yeux.

A fable imprint of poetry published in 1917 would explain why this beautiful bird wears black and white. By flying over Alsace, on their return from Egypt, the storks would have been indignant at seeing the ground strewn with corpses after a battle during the First World War. They expressed their anger to God before the cruelty of men and asked permission to dye their wings black in sign of sadness of mourning and indignation. A young cigogneau having expressed his disagreement about losing the whiteness of his plumage, God cut off and said, "Dip only the tips of your wings in the dark of disillusionment and that black is as bright as the diamond of your eyes".
Wonderful story and beautiful page! Love the lighting in the photo.
Love the blocking of photo and text...great font too! Fascinating reading and stunning photo!

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Anna Aspnes
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