
The Hat Shop

The Hat Shop

Anna Aspnes
Artplay Palette Evanescent (paper) Artplay Palette Evanescent
Artplay Palette Generations (paper, overlay) Artplay Palette Generations
Artplay Palette Vivacity (label word) Artplay Palette Vivacity
Artplay Palette Kitschmas (star overlay) Artplay Palette Kitschmas
Urban Stitchez 11 Urban Stitchez 11
Urban Threadz Flowers 1 Urban Threadz Flowers 1
Urban Threadz 11 Urban Threadz 11
Postmarked 1 Postmarked 1
Stitched by Anna Circle 2 Stitched by Anna Circle 2

A solid paper from APP Evanescent was used as the foundation of the page. The overlay from APP Kitschmas was added with the blending mode changed to soft light and a reduced opacity. The image was extracted and a sticker effect was added. A custom shadow was created using the gaussian blur adjustment. A purlple color tone of the hats in the window was added. A circle was created using the Elliptical Marquee tool and a slight shadow was added. An artsy paper from APP Generations was clipped to it. The title was created by filling the letters with a purple color and adding a metal gradient layer mask over it (style was changed to reflected). A photo was from old magazine ad was added (increasing the contrast and brightness and changing the blending mode to darken). Stitchez and journaling completed the page.

Thank you for looking!
This is just wonderful, so many things I love - the stickered trio, the circles in the back, the stitched frame, the other stitches, and the title. Such inspiring work!
Love everything, but especially that 50's retro vibe. Oh, I love wearing a hat too.
I like the design- the circles, the filmstrip, the title work and the vertical journaling block. Also your use of color is superb.
Love the sticker ladies. Makes me want to wear a hat! They really do complete an outfit! (Love what you did with the circle motifs in the design.)
love the hint of color you added to the photos and page, the sticker effect is awesome! what a talent she had! too bad hats for women went out of style - I always loved hats! gorgeous page!
Wow this is stunning !! Love the extraction and stickereffect on the girls ! Love the purple tones !
Absolutely delightful, Miki! One of the things I wanted to be when I grew up was a milliner (the other two...a fashion designer and a ballerina). Nina was quite talented! Love your use of lavender and fun title!

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Anna Aspnes
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