

The Embraer Legacy 500

  • Media owner Miki
  • Date added
The new plane my son is flying ...

Anna Aspnes
Artplay Palette Take Flight Artplay Palette Take Flight
Take Flight 1 Take Flight 1
Artsy Paints 7 Artsy Paints 7
Artplay Palette Wanderlust Artplay Palette Wanderlust
Artplay Palette Frozen Artplay Palette Frozen
LoopDaLoop Travel 1 LoopDaLoop Travel 1
Clouds 2 Clouds 2

The Process
I began by selecting solid paper 1 from AP Take Flight and using it for the foundation of the page. The photo was clipped to transfer 4, duplicated and the blending mode changed to hard light to lighten up the image. Transfer 4 was duplicated and layered over the image with the blending mode changed to color burn. An Arsty Paint 7 brush was layered over the transfer and filled with a blue paint. The second image of the plane was extracted, duplicated with the blending mode changed to hard light and a reduced opacity. Transfer 1 was clipped to the image and the blending mode was changed to hard light. The stamp was created by using the stamp frame in AP Wanderlust with solid paper 1 from AP Take Flight clipped to the frame. The photo was clipped to the mask. These layers were grouped and duplicated. Another Artsy Paint 7 brush was layered behind the stamps. The branch leaves were recolored using the hue/saturation tool. More transfers and an artstroke from Take Flight were added to the page. Take Flight 1 brushes, a loopdaloop, a cloud, label words, stars and the jet and binoculars were added to complete the page.
Thank you for looking.
I wish I could fly a plane like this! he is one lucky and obviously smart and talented to fly this plane! awesome page!
Fantastic page! love your photo's and the stamps and the planes in the sky!

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Anna Aspnes
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