
the day the snow fell

the day the snow fell

Okay...so here are the sad pics I took during the snow at the house two days ago!!

journaling reads:
So we had an argument,
Quentin and I...was it going
to snow or wasnt it? The radio
had said all day that snow
flurries were possible. I said
no, it wouldnt snow...more
of my wishful thinking, really.
Then I dropped Q and Emma
off at the gym. When I got
home, I settled into my chair
right next to the back window.
And it started...started as sleet
first...Angelica called me. its
snowing here. Is it there? I
said that it wasnt yet. I then
researched what sleet really
was! I wasnt really sure if it
was snowing or not! Then
after reading all about snow,
sleet, hail, and freezing rain,
I looked out the window and
saw an actual snowflake with
all of its beautiful angles and
shapes! And I looked a little
closer at the sky outside. Oh
my goodness, it really was
snowing! The first thing I did
was call the gym. Q was done
with his lesson, so I told them
to tell him it was snowing and
I conceded to the argument.
They told him I called. So he
called to rub it in!! I went and
picked him up so I could get
some pics of he and Lil playing
in snow! It hit me...I dont know
how to take snow pics! I live
in Richmond, Tx! Why would I
need to know how to take snow
pics???? So if I look really
closely at these pics, I can
see little blurry spots...those
are the snowflakes! Yes it
really did snow in Texas
on December 10th, 2008.
Quentin, you were right!!

Everything from Fei-Fei's stuff Rough Draft kit
Paislee Press's Vintage Snowflakes and her Snow Flurries (appropriate! LOL!!)
Love this, Sally!!! Amazing composition and I love the journaling! SOOO jealous of your snow!!
beautiful page, love the journaling and the snow, real and digital.

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