

The Dark

  • Media owner Joansmor
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Distress ToolSet No. 1https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Distress-ToolSet-No.-1.html
Halloween No. 3 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Halloween-No.-3.html
ArtPlay Palette Apothic https://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlayPalette-Apothic.html
MultiMedia Branches No. 15 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/MultiMedia-Branches-No.-15.html
Apothic WordART Mix No. 1 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Apothic-WordART-Mix-No.-1.html
Inspiration - all the wonderful Halloween pages I have seen lately. I just had to get in on the fun, so through this page together quickly.

Process: Added SolidPage 1 to the page. Then I placed my ghost photo on the page. And used the Blend Mode Screen. Set Halloween3.3 Pictorial Brush on the page and used Control>I to turn it to white. Next, I put my picture taken in a real cemetery of the skeleton and pumpkins, etc. on the page. (It was a bit disconcerting to come across this last year when I entered a graveyard looking for a photo.) I used Blend Mode Lighten on this picture and added a Photomask to brush away some of the images and reduced the Opacity.

I then added the Embroidered Bat and made two copies. There is a skull in my ghost picture, but it didn't show up well, so I added the skull from the elements. Then I used Multimedia Branches 15.1 around the bottom of the skull. I added a blank layer and used a Distressed Brush to add the look of fog. Lastly, I added a Wordart title.

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Anna Aspnes
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