
The Boykins - 1959

The Boykins - 1959

My family in 1959. I am the wonky-faced little one on the left. haha I was 4 years old & my sister was 6. My mom made all our clothes and my sister & I always had matching outfits. :) I wish my mom was still here. I miss her so much. My dad is 93 years old now.
Golden Moments [Collection] by Simplette

January Challenge #2 - Heritage
Well look at little you! What a cutie! Love that you Mom made your clothes! Mine did too and with seven kids it kept her very busy! Beautiful page for this challenge!
Oh this brings back memories! Your Mom must've known mine! We were in Orlando (before Walt moved in). My mom made our clothes and we were always matching. She even made my Barbie clothes and made my Barbie house! (Gawd I loved that Barbie house) The best gifts are sometimes the one a loved one creates! And God Bless your Dad at 93! Wow! It's a wonderful page to relive those memories by! Wonderful colors and frames! Thanks for sharing those memories!
So beautiful and full of wonderful memories. Gorgeous colors and framing. You were adorable! I'm sorry you've lost your mom, but glad you still have your dad. My parents are both gone and it's really hard sometimes when I just want to give them a call.

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