
the best visit.jpg
pam p

the best visit.jpg

Several months ago or maybe longer,I received a visit at my porch window from a mockingbird,I think. His visits are almost daily and have become quite enjoyable.At first,I was annoyed by the pecking on the window and wished for him to stop.Then,I found myself wondering if he would visit and became sort of accustomed to the early am pecking. He visits mainly one window but if I am not visible, he will go to other windows and appear to be looking in to see if he can see me.I have had cardinals that do the same pecking in the past but that usually subsides after they nest with new eggs. This fellow seems different.So for however long the visits last,I find that it makes me smile and look forward each morning.tfl.
Credits list
Multi-MediaBranches 13,15,18
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Love your story, your photo, the stitches, and your wonderful use of white space.
Great clustering and I love the way the photo pops off the page but blends with the rest of the page at the same time.
Wonderful blending and use of that frame! Love how the bird blends into the elements! The out of bounds branches and stitching makes this such a unique page!
Wonderful, sweet story. We had a hummingbird do this for several years - he even came to say hello when we were on the porch, totally unafraid! What a treat for you - and a beautiful way to capture it. Super LO!
How lucky to have this visit in your garden! Very nice blending of the frame.
Wonderful story and gorgeous page! Love the branches. Congrats on the Standing O!
He's a beauty. Wonderful clustering and storytelling!
A nuisance turned into a daily smile. Really heartwarming.

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
Added by
pam p
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the best visit.jpg
File size
56.7 KB
600px x 600px

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