
Thanksgiving with Maxwell - aAProject

Thanksgiving with Maxwell - aAProject

This is the first time I am doing something like the aAProject. Ive never made a photo book before or even thought about it. I am doing it for me, to share with my future self. I dont know if Im going to share every page, they may not all be pretty. Since its a new experience, I just dont know. Anyway, I am starting with Thanksgiving because that is my last true time to myself, when I gather wind in my sails, before all hell breaks out at work. My Thanksgivings are very mellow and thats the way I like it. Coming from a small family, I cant imagine being around a huge amount of people on Thanksgiving, and have in fact turned down invitations to those gatherings. I am around people all day at work and have to put that face on, I dont want to do it on Thanksgiving. I wouldnt be grateful, I would be grouchy. And quite frankly, having a football game blaring on the TV really puts me over the edge. Not holiday-ish to me. I want mellow and that makes me happy. So without much ado, here is my first page.

ArtPlay Palette YuleArtPlayPaletteYule
Project Template Album No. 2ProjectTemplateAlbumNo.2
MultiMedia Holiday No. 1MultiMediaHolidayNo.1
ArtPlay Palette FestalArtPlayPaletteFestal Fork
ArtPlay Palette GlacialArtPlayPaletteGlacial Branch and Pine Cone
Dripped Stains No. 2DrippedStainsNo.2
Photos: Mine
Fonts: Torquay Hotel and Tom

Process Notes: Since these need to be fast pages, I followed the template as is. I turned the visibility off on all the layers except the large main mask and clipped my turkey to it. I duplicated the photo to clip it to each stain around the main mask. No blending involved. I clipped my dinner plate to the two photo masks on the left and then added Maxwell to the right side photo mask.

I turned the visibility of all the layers back on to see what I was working with, and I liked it. I brought in solid paper 5 for the background and liked the page even better. I didnt recolor any of the template elements, I left them as is. I did add a stain underneath the dinner plate photo, taking a color from the gravy.

I copy and pasted my journaling into the text boxes and changed the font to Tom. I added the title and used the Blend Ifs on it. I then brought in the fork from Festal and the branch and pine cone from Glacial. Last I added the multimedia holiday at the bottom of the journaling. That finished my page.

I so appreciate that Anna has added the bleed lines around the page, making me aware that if I place something beyond those lines, they are expendable. In this case a bit of the branch, and thats okay.
I can appreciate your perspective...doing what YOU want is likely best :) Love the little pic of Maxwell :) and the little cluster under the journaling! I put all my pages in books, and I have learned that extending things (not important things) into the bleed lines is okay, else it might look too cut off. So I have built an action that creates all my edge and center guide lines and I run this first thing on every page. Good luck with your project!
You'll love the experience Barbara, glad it's for you and a future treasure for your family!!
Great journaling ... love your honesty! Wonderful page and looking forward to seeing more pages!
Looks like a lovely dinner and a peaceful day--mellowness exudes from your page. Hope the days flow the way you desire.
Great start! Can't wait to see more. Love your use of the template.
I love your journaling - I come from a very small family and I like it that way too! love the photo of Maxwell! gorgeous page!

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Anna Aspnes
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Barbara Houston
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