
Taylormade Spotlight

Taylormade Spotlight

Things to do before I go...
Tim Russert's passing hit home...
my dad died the same way when he was only 56...
and now that I am almost 52 I thought I should
think about some of the FUN things I WANT to do before I go.

Here's the first page...
Used Taylormade's Favorite Template and recreated for
this project.

Background Blending Paper by Taylormade for
her Designer Spotlight!
Picture: My favorite picture taken in Nantucket 2006!
WOW...Sue...this is awesome!!! LOVE this, great pic, love the list journaling...what a fantabulous idea!!!
My goodness this is an incredible LO!! The journaling is fabulous and I love that photo! Just beautiful.
SUE!!!! This is just amazing. We just watched this movie last night, wasn't it such a great movie? Anyway, I am going to be copying this in every way!!! I LOVE it!!
Sue!!!!!!!!!!! Incredilbe! Inspiring! I take my hat off to you. Love the photo as is .... but how you blended and faded the corner - I wish you well my friend.

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