

Take the Scenic Route

With this layout I wanted to create a balance of hard edges meets artsy with Autumns beautiful photo she shot of the horses while out adventuring.

ArtsyTransfers ParaisoArtsyTransfersParaiso
ArtPlay Palette ParaisoArtPlayPaletteParaiso
Music Notes No. 2MusicNotesNo.2
Paradise WordART Mix No. 1ParadiseWordARTMixNo.1
Summer WordART Mix No. 1SummerWordARTMixNo.1
WildFlowers No. 1WildFlowersNo.1
ArtPlay Palette GlobeTrotterArtPlayPaletteGlobeTrotter (Butterfly)
TapedTextures No. 2TapedTexturesNo.2
DrippedStains No. 6 (Retired)
UrbanStitchez No. 6UrbanStitchezNo.6
ArtPlay Palette PortiereArtPlayPalettePortiere (Splatter Brush)
ArtsyStains No. 2ArtsyStainsNo.2
Layered FotoBlendz No. 1 (Retired)
12 x 12 Page FotoBlendz No. 4 (Retired)
WarmGlows No. 1WarmGlowsNo.1
Photo: Autumn Reed

Process Notes: Using solid paper 1 as my foundation, I placed the 12 x 12 fotoblendz and clipped artsy paper 1 to it with blend mode Linear Burn on the fotoblendz. HipsterPlume fotoblendz was placed over those layers running off the left edge of the page and artsy paper 4 was clipped to it with Darker Color blend mode on the mask. Layered fotoblendz 1 was stack on top of the layers with the photo clipped to it. Pin Light blend mode was used on that mask. I positioned the photo so it looks like the hills in the background are continuing in the artsy paper. I used a Levels adjustment layer on the photo to balance the greens with the paper.

Bringing in artsy transfers, I balanced the composition along the bottom parts of the layout on the right edge by using the bits and pieces here and there. The beauty of the transfers is how they can be blended into a page so seamlessly. They are a powerful tool to creating an artsy layout. I also added stains, taking the colors from the opposite side of the page. Then I placed the urban stitches.

Placing the twig and pebbles, I gave the pebbles a little burn and dodge and did the same with the butterfly to give a little more dimension. Also an art stroke and white splatter was added along with the music notes to the layout. The music notes was blended to Color Burn. The wildflower was also added.

Adding the title word art, I placed the glow blended to Soft Light underneath to make it pop out a little more and added more word art into the mix of the page along with the tape towards the top left of the page. That completes this layout.
Just beautiful. I'll be starting on my NoCal album soon (for Christmas presents), and I'm torn between featuring photos in as beautiful a way as this and just cramming in the memories. I haven't sorted them yet, but all the photos are now in from the kids (except the ones from the professional photog, and I don't even want to think about how many he will have), and at the moment I have almost 1,000. Lots of decision-making before I begin, but I SO love your approach here.
Beautiful blend of edges and colors! It kind of looks like a transparency. I love it!
Always drawn to horse photos, and this one is outstanding. Gorgeous blending and first class accomplishment to make the photo the focus even when there are many elements.
Wow! Gorgeous artsy page! Love it!
Standing O...
I think this is stunning! I love the combination of artsy with irregular edges, it always gives a contemporary vibe to a page, fabulous work!
congrats on the standig o.
love the blending and the fresh green.

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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