Rainbow Collection (now on Sale)
ArtPlay Palette Rainbow - sp1, ap2, 3, paper butterfly, rainbow
Other products:
Assemblages Overlays No 2_1
Lost Collection - BONUS urbanthreadz butterfly branch
FIDT3I-8 frame with urbanthreadz and mask
Canvas Textures No 1 included in Value Pack
12x12 FotoBlendz No 10_3
APP SP 1 began the page. The FIDT3I_8 template was added, removing all layers except the main frame (3) and mask, and urbanthreadz. AP2 and my photo x2 were placed and clipped to the mask. 2nd photo set on soft light. A white color fill adjustment layers was placed over the photo layer and opacity reduced. The 12x12 FB mask with AP3 clipped to it were placed below the framed photo. Canvas texture brushes were added over the page, followed by stains, paper and edge layers from Assemblages2_1, and recolored. The Lost BONUS butterfly branches, ribbon, APP Rainbow rainbow (reduced saturation) paper butterflies (recolored), and custom wordart finished the page.